Rainbow after Storm – Statement to Respond to the Judgements of Final Court of Appeal regarding the Equal Housing and Inheritance Rights of Same-sex Couples

Rainbow after Storm – Statement to Respond to the Judgements of Final Court of Appeal regarding the Equal Housing and Inheritance Rights of Same-sex Couples

” Covenant of the Rainbow– Campaign Toward a Truly Inclusive Church” warmly welcomes and expresses gratitude for yesterday’s two judgments of the Court of Final Appeal affirming the equal rights of same-sex couples in public housing policies and inheritance laws. Although the Basic Law clearly states the protection for everyone’s equality, certain social and cultural traditions, especially homophobia and heterosexual hegemony regarding procreation as the only criterion for building a family, stigmatize and exclude all sexualities and relationships other than heterosexuality, and deprive sexual minorities of their equal dignity. Consequently, every single equal right of the gay/queer community can only be won back bit by bit, with sweat and blood, through a long, arduous, costly judicial review process that consumes money, human power and material resources.

“There is no fear in love.” Only in love can we eliminate prejudice, transcend differences, and see each other’s common human needs and dignity!
In the belief of resurrection in our religious tradition, marriage or family relationships are not of absolute value. When people are resurrected, there will be no more marriages. All people will live in communion. The diversity of human beings in this world is to reflect God’s plentiful and beautiful grace and appearances. The uniqueness of each life, in mutual review and mutual learning, mutual love and mutual help, lives out the communion of God and human, and the communion of the whole world and creation. When the Lord Jesus rhetorically questioned who his brothers and sisters were, he pointed out that those who abide to God’s will are his brothers and sisters. The Lord Jesus did not make the importance of blood relationships absolute, but, instead, God’s desire for people to love and help each other and fulfill God’s righteousness as an indispensable core value for building a family!

Our gratitude to our dear friends and comrades, Edgar Hon-Lam Ng and Henry Yik-Ho Li, as well as all those who dedicate for the equal rights of sexual minorities, in their pursuit of equal rights, promote the rights and obligations of mutual love and mutual care of sexual minorities, thereby cultivating a loving and righteous family and even extending this caring and just love to the next generation of society so as to offer the world a colorful rainbow.

May God’s rainbow covenant with humankind will uplift all human beings as precious as in God’s eyes, will eliminate prejudice, fear and sin in the society, , and will let us see the rainbow! May the society of Hong Kong become a home full of loving care and justice in the protection of the equal dignity of sexual minorities! May sexual minorities no longer need to go through judicial review or tremendous stress to claim their equal rights!

Convener: Rev. Grace Bok
November 27, 2024

Covenant of the Rainbow– Campaign Toward a Truly Inclusive Churchhttps://www.rainbowcovenant.com.hk

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One Body in Christ and “Covenant of Rainbow – Campaign Toward a Truly Inclusive Church” 10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship

One Body in Christ and “Covenant of Rainbow – Campaign Toward a Truly Inclusive Church”

10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship

(12th Sunday after Pentecost)

“Covenant of Rainbow – Campaign Toward a Truly Inclusive Church” Initiative is composed of various Christian groups, including congregations, organizations, and theological student groups. We believe that people of any skin color, gender, language, age, occupation, sexual orientation, identity, or abilities are loved by the Lord; therefore, the church should strive to create an environment of equality, mutual acceptance, and loving fellowship, where the gospel of Christ’s love replaces harm.


Date: August 11, 2024 (Saturday)

Time: 6:00 pm

Venue: Kowloon Union Church

Theme: Diversity, Faith & Togetherness (Celebrate with gratitude, faith and togetherness)


Liturgist Revd Grad Bok Drama BMCC


Priscilla Wong

Paul Lucas


Intercessory Prayer Sai Sai


Anthony Man

Scripture Reading Yee On Pianist Ronny
Holy Communion Revd Phyllis Wong Projection Bob
Holy Communion


Revd Esther Yu

Pastor Hong

Paster CP

Sound Yat


Revd. Grace Bok

Chaplain Vicky Shiu

Ushers Yoyo、Anita

(Collect Offering for Covenant of Rainbow)

Translation Amber、June Greeting Jackie、Yvonne Kam

(Collect Offering for One Body in Christ)

Venue Alex、Barry Counting of Offering Jackie、Mimi

Yoyo、Revd Esther Yu

Photography Michel FB Live Monica
Video Production Amber、Michel、Nocus    



Lighting of candle



  1. Welcome and introduction by Revd Grace Bok
  2. Video: 10 mins


Song: Because of Faith


Call to Worship

O Lord! Our wise and wonderful Creator fills the earth with wonder. This is God’s world of diversity.

Response: We make a covenant with our Creator and each other to celebrate this diversity.


Countless creatures fill the earth, which is beyond our ability to understand or classify.

Response: We make a covenant with our Creator and each other to celebrate this diversity.


Mountains and valleys, forests and oceans, all singing the richness of creation.

Response: We make a covenant with our Creator and each other to celebrate this diversity.


Humanity in rich colors and forms expresses the creativity of our Creator.

Response: We make a covenant with our Creator and with each other to celebrate this diversity.


Our Creator loves diversity and therefore has created people to express sexual desires in different ways

Response: We make a covenant with our Creator and with each other to celebrate this diversity.


In the holy name of the Trinity, we begin today’s “Covenant of Rainbow – Campaign Toward a Truly Inclusive Church” Thanksgiving Worship

Response: Amen!

(Adapted from Jann Aldredge Clanton (USA))


The Word

  1. Drama by BMCC
  2. Scripture Reading by Yee On

Thessalonians 1:3-12

We must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of everyone of you for one another is increasing.

Therefore we ourselves boast of you among the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith during all your persecutions and the afflictions that you are enduring.

This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, and is intended to make you worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are also suffering.

For it is indeed just of God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to give relief to the afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels

in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

These will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, separated from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might,

when he comes to be glorified by his saints and to be marveled at on that day among all who have believed, because our testimony to you was believed.

To this end we always pray for you, asking that our God will make you worthy of his call and will fulfill by his power every good resolve and work of faith, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. Sharing

Message by Revd Grace Bok

Message by Priscila Wong

Message by Paul Lucas

Message by Nocus

Sing “Ubi Carita” 3 times after message by each guest

  1. Confession

The Creed of Inclusivity

We believe in the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth and all things, and declares that all things are beautiful, indeed extremely beautiful. He created us completely according to His imagination, and every part of us, including our sex and gender, reflects the above. Divine image of the Lord.

We believe in Jesus Christ, who embodies God’s love and justice, who properly manages the heaven, earth, and all things created by God, and becomes our model, calling us to live abundantly and fully, and to embrace everything that God has entrusted to us.

We believe in the Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit), the power of God’s work in the world. He gives us the courage to love ourselves and others, and to tear down the walls that separate us, making us a new and integrated faith community, committed to Change the world so that the value of God is revealed. We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, called to be a hospitable community, reaching out with healing love and welcoming all to the feast of Christ, just as the Lord welcomes us. Amen.



  1. Concerns of the Church by Revd Bok
  2. Intercessory Prayer
  3. For the progress of LGBTI equality movements around the world, and for places where sexual minorities are oppressed. (Sai Sai)
  4. For Hong Kong LGBTI equality movement (Teresa)
  5. To make the Hong Kong church a more inclusive and accepting church (Brother Anthony Man)
  6. Offering

Express our determination to build an inclusive church with money and actions


Holy Communion by Revd Phyllis Wong

  1. Reconciliation

“How wonderful it is, how pleasant for God’s children live in unity” (Psalm 133:1)

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or be afraid.” (John 14:27)


May the peace of the Lord be with you.

Response: And also be with you.


Passing of peace


  1. Song: A place at the table

For woman and man, a place at the table,revising the roles, deciding the share,with wisdom and grace, dividing the power,for woman and man, a system that’s fair, (Refrain) Refrain:               and God will delight when we are creators                               of justice and joy, compassion and peace:                               yes, God will delight when we are creators                               of justice, justice and joy!            For young and for old, a place at the table,a voice to be heard, a part in the song,the hands of a child in hands that are wrinkled,for young and for old, the right to belong, (Refrain) Refrain:               and God will delight when we are creators                               of justice and joy, compassion and peace:                               yes, God will delight when we are creators                               of justice, justice and joy!  For everyone born, a place at the table,to live without fear, and simply to be,to work, to speak out, to witness and worship,for everyone born, the right to be free, (Refrain) 

  1. Institution

Eternal Lord, you created all things and consider them beautiful. You allow us to manifest your glory and majesty in the Lord’s divine creation.


Loving Lord, you became flesh and allowed Jesus to come into the world to walk with the marginalized and the suffering. Jesus ate with tax collectors, healed the woman with the issue of blood and the leper, defended the condemned woman, and shared theology with the woman at the well. Jesus Christ lived out a faith in communion and radical love.


The Holy Communion instituted by the Lord Jesus allows those who receive the Holy Communion to blend in and blend with the Lord through His body and precious blood, have their souls healed, relationships reconciled, and lives rebuilt. So, all of us, creations of all sexual orientations and gender identities, along with all the saints and all the angels, celebrate together.


Response: Holy, Holy, Holy! Glorious Lord, your diverse creations and your love and power are endless. Amen.


On the night when he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and after giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body which is given for you; this is what you must do in remembrance of me.” After the meal, the Lord also took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Drink this, all of you; this cup is my blood of the new covenant, which I poured out for you. Your sins are forgiven. Whenever you drink, do this in remembrance of me.”


Response: We eat this bread, drink this wine, and enter into the Holy Communion and connection with the Lord Jesus.


Lord, please fill us with the Spirit of life and be present in this bread and wine. Let this bread and wine become our bread of life, heal our wounds, restore our brokenness, and establish our unity.


Response: Gracious Lord, thank you for feeding us the bread of life. Amen.


  1. Sing: Lamb of God


  1. Distribution

The Lord Jesus said: “I pray not only for these, but also for those who believe in me through their word, that they all may be one.” (John 17:20-21)

The Communion emphasizes unity and communion. We are members of each other and become one.

  1. Post-communion prayer

Eternally loving Lord, thank you for giving us life, and thank you for feeding us through your body, reorganizing our faith, affirming our calling, and practicing unity in the Lord Christ. Jesus’ self-sacrifice reminds us to care for the weak, accept the diverse world created by God with a humble heart, embrace life, and build a Kingdom of God that is harmonious but different, respects equality, and is friendly and peaceful. May the Lord’s Holy Spirit give us strength to walk with each other, bear witness to Christ, and glorify the Lord’s name. Amen!




  1. Blessing

May the kindness and faithfulness of the Lord, the radical love of Jesus Christ, and the wisdom and goodness of the Holy Spirit be with you all, now and forever, Amen!

  1. Sending

Dear sisters and brothers, go to the world in peace, with humility, gentleness, patience, love and peace, and build a truly inclusive church and society. Witness the unity and communion of Christ among the crowd and demonstrate the richness of God’s diverse creation.


  1. Closing hymn

I have shown you my great love, I have given it up, I have been broken apart I have borne the pain and walked through the cross willingly. The love of the Lord is sublime and the grace is as deep as the sea.

Being able to love each other is all because of being loved. Being able to wake up needs to be torn down and changed.

Be able to put on salvation, step in the footsteps of Christ, extend the Lord’s love, and enter the sea of ​​humanity.

I am determined to spread the word about Jesus and use my gifts to give my best.

Let me be humble as your servant and serve God with reverence. It is all covered by your grace. Every step is a bright light. In your graceful hands, it is filled with clouds. I imitate the love of Christ and my vision changes.

May the doves descend from the sky and mold me to contain the abundant love of God.

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日期: 2024811()

時間: 下午六時正                           地點: 九龍佑寧堂



主 禮 卜莎崙牧師 話  劇 Bmcc
分 享



Paul Lucas


代  禱 細細老師



讀  經 義安 司  琴 Ronny
聖  餐 王美鳳牧師 播  放 Bob
聖  餐

襄  禮




音  響 Yat




司 事 Yoyo、Anita


翻譯 Amber、June 招 待 Jackie、Yvonne Kam


場地 Alex、Barry 點算奉獻 Jackie、Mimi


攝影 Michel Fb直播 Monica


預備 *主禮點燭




1. 歡迎 卜莎崙牧師(彩虹之約召集人)
2. 播片 10分鐘


左                 右

Bmcc話劇人員       鄭子康傳道

黃心怡姑娘(鳳娟)    Paul Lucas

Nocus               義安

細細老師            Teresa

文可風弟兄          王美鳳牧師

余鳳屛牧師          蘇展鵬傳道


3.  唱詩 【因著信】(角聲使團敬拜讚美專輯08:振翅翱翔,11
4. 宣召 啟:上主啊!我們智慧而奇妙的造物主,讓地球充滿了驚訝,這是上主多元世界。


















改編自Jann Aldredge Clanton(USA)

1. 話劇 Bmcc
2. 讀經 義安










3. 分享 卜莎崙牧師
Paul Lucas






我們信聖靈(聖神),上主在世界上作工的大能,祂賜予我們勇氣去愛自己及他人,並把分隔我們的圍牆推倒,使我們成為嶄新及共融的信仰群體,委身去改變世界,使上主的價值得以彰顯。我們信教會乃基督的身體,被召成為一個殷勤好客的群體, 以療癒的愛伸手接觸,並歡迎所有人來參與基督的盛筵,如同上主歡迎我們一樣。阿門(亞孟)。

1. 關懷 卜莎崙牧師
2. 代禱 1. 為全球各地LGBTI平權運動進程,也為性小眾受欺壓的地方。(細細老師)

2. 為香港LGBTI平權運動 (Teresa)

3. 為香港教會成為一個更共融接納的教會(文可風弟兄)

3. 奉獻 以金錢和行動表達我們對共建同志友善教會的決心


Jackie、Yvonne Kam(收OBIC)

聖餐禮 王美鳳牧師(主禮)


1. 復和 啟︰「兄弟姊妹和睦同居,是何等的善,是何等的美!」(詩133:1)





2. 短誦 【聖桌已擺好】

1.         聖桌已擺好,賦予每個性別,眾角色身份重新去商討,以智慧共愛、權益再做分佈,定合理規則,各方冇控訴。

2.  聖桌已擺好,老少快靠近來,以各種聲音同編一曲譜,懶理老或幼,齊伸出手相扣,聽你我心聲,以心意協奏。


3.         聖桌已擺好,賜這世界共嚐,眾免於驚恐能傾出真我,去敬拜做證,勇於去亂返正,聖桌已擺好,要釋放世界。



唱序: 1>副>2>副>3>副


3. 祝餐 啟︰永恆的上主,祢創造萬物,視一切為美好。祢讓我們在主神聖創造中,彰顯祢的榮耀和尊貴。









[羔羊頌]( 頌主566)

上帝的羔 羊,祢是除去 世人罪孽的,求憐憫 我們。

上帝的羔 羊,祢是除去 世人罪孽的,求憐恤 我們。

上帝的羔 羊,祢是除去 世人罪孽的,求賜我們平安。

5. 施餐 主耶穌說﹕「我不但為這些人祈求,也為那些藉著他們的話信我的人祈求,使他們都合而為一。」(約17:20-21)



6. 稱謝 永恆慈愛的上主,感謝祢賜予生命,感謝主耶穌透過自己身體,餵養我們,重整我們的信仰,肯定我們的召命,在主基督裡,實踐合一。耶穌的捨己,提醒我們關愛弱小,以虛己的心接納上主創造多元的世界,擁抱生命,建立一個和而不同,尊重平等,友愛和平的上主國度。願主聖靈賜我們力量,彼此同行,見證基督,榮耀主名,阿們﹗
差遣禮 (各牧師傳道)
1. 祝福 願上主的恩慈信實,耶穌基督的徹底的愛,聖靈的智慧美善,常與你們眾人同在,從今時直到永遠,阿們﹗
2. 差遣 親愛的姊妹弟兄,平平安安去到世界,帶着謙虛、溫柔、忍耐、仁愛與和平,建立同志友善的教會和社會。在人群中見證基督的合一與共融,彰顯上主多元創造的豐盛。
3.散會詩 《立志擺上》曲詞: DJS 編曲: 古丹青

曾擺上 傾出大愛  曾捨棄 已被擘開

曾擔起痛楚 十架路甘心走過  崇高主愛 恩深似海

能相愛 皆因被愛 能醒覺 要被拆改

能穿起救恩 踏上基督的足印 延伸主愛 進入人海

立志今擺上 傳揚耶穌 用我的恩賜 獻上最好

讓我謙卑作祢僕人 存著敬畏去事奉神 全是祢恩典覆蓋 每步亮明燈 在祢恩手裡 滿布雲彩 效法基督愛 眼界變改

願鴿子天際降下來 陶造我裡面能盛載 神豐足的厚愛

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Covenant of the Rainbow: Statement on the Sexual Abuse Scandal of Former Pastor of Blessed Ministry Community Church

Covenant of the Rainbow: Statement on the Sexual Abuse Scandal of Former Pastor of Blessed Ministry Community Church

On April 2, 2024, “Yahoo News” reported that there were three independent complaints from victims alleging that Rev. Pang Wai-Yap made them sit on their thighs, touched their private parts, or even had sexual intercourse without their consent during his tenure at the Blessed Ministry Community Church (BMCC) in Hong Kong or the Good Samaritan Kuala Lumpur (GSKL) Church in Malaysia. It is really shocking and very sad, as well as a church MeToo incident. It was also reported that Blessed Ministry Community Church terminated Pang’s contract in December last year after it was revealed that in a church decision-making process, Pang failed to disclose important information about his close relationship or interaction with a church member.

While these incidents have been publicly reported and await investigation, due to the seriousness of the incidents and the high public concern, Covenant of the Rainbow (“the Covenant”), as an alliance of Christian groups that supports diversity/gender equality and justice, would like to make a statement in response:

  1. LGBTIQ+ believers have long been isolated

We should understand that LGBTIQ+ Christians face greater pressure when faced with sexual assault than heterosexual victims of sexual assault, such as the shame and self-blame brought on by their queer identity, plus the fact that churches often characterise sexual minorities as “sinners”, they are easily stigmatized and isolated by mainstream society. Those LGBTIQ+ believers who believed they could gather in a queer church that recognized and accepted themselves, but experienced sexual assault by a pastor they trusted, are in complete helplessness. What a hopeless situation this must be! This is an act of witness of the victims that alerts and educates the public and churches (including all the Chinese LGBTIQ+ churches) when they, with the protection and encouragement of the Lord and the support of each other, bravely breaks their silence and make these experiences public. The Covenant would like to express our sincere gratitude and support to these victims! Disclosing traumatic events is difficult and fraught with inner struggle, and the church community needs to give it space, respect privacy, and provide appropriate support.

  1. Patriarchy is prevalent in the church community

The problem with sexual assault is power, not sex itself. The patriarchal system and worship of pastors in churches (including LGBTIQ+ churches) also indirectly create a hotbed for sexual assault culture. The patriarchal system does not only refer to individual men or collective men, but to a society and a social system that orients the entire society to a male-dominant power structure (hierarchical power structure), allowing men to have authoritative positions, dominate, and creating a power difference between men and women. This ideology of dominance and privilege extends to the entire society, creating a pyramid-like power distribution and relationship. Similarly, the patriarchal system has also deeply influenced churches. Feminist theologian Rosemary R. Ruether believes that the patriarchal church forms a particular image of God: an absolutely divine, supreme, lonely, male ruler or god of war. Power corrupts people, and absolute power absolutely corrupts people. The Christian Church has a long history of allowing clergy to enjoy great authority. Faced with the dominance of patriarchal culture, the Church needs to face up to it. It’s no time for second thoughts or ignorance!

  1. There should be zero tolerance for any sexual harassment or assault

According to reports, Pang believes that he has been creating an open atmosphere to openly discuss various topics in the church, to bring open theological thinking, that while some people accept it, others feel puzzled and hurt, and even hurt Pang in return. He stressed that there are boundaries between churchgoers and “my line may be drawn lower than in traditional churches.” The Covenant believes that this quote confuses the public and leads people to misunderstand that a theological statement that is affirmative and open to diverse sexual identities and sexualities has no moral bottom line and allows any sexual activities in the church, including sexual harassment and other sexual assaults. The Covenant reiterates that we should have an open discussion attitude towards sex and affirm the freedom and equal rights of diverse sexual expressions outside the heterosexual marriage system of “one man and one woman”, such as polysexual relationships and the equality of sex workers and their rights, but these must be based on mutual respect and mutual consent. Therefore, The Covenant adopts a zero-tolerance attitude towards any sexual harassment or assault. The ultimate concern of diversity is to maintain bodily autonomy and erotic self-determination, which is an indispensable part of human dignity. Only with mutual respect and consent can the bodily autonomy and erotic self-determination of every person’s right be protected.

  1. We should not tolerate the oppression of the weak by the powerful for the fear of damaging church reputation

Therefore, there is a possibility of sexual assault, no matter whether the sexual assaulter is straight or gay, or whether the incident occurs in a traditional straight church or a queer church. Jessica Tso Hiu-Tung of the Hong Kong Christian Council, who has been promoting the prevention and control of sexual harassment in churches since 2013, gave a detailed analysis of this in an interview for this incident. Tso said, out of the intention to protect church reputation, coupled with fear and ignorance about sex, churches often take no action against the offenders and use different methods to silence the victims. The Covenant believes that churches should be humble and stand up to their principles, that we should have confidence in our faith and the courage to confess and repent, and that we should not tolerate the oppression of the weak by the powerful out of fear of damaging church reputation. We call on church to formulate and implement sexual harassment policies, raise the awareness of sexual harassment and assault among church members, pastors and governing members, and provide a safe environment and effective channels for them to lodge complaints.

“May the God of peace himself sanctify you completely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will surely do this.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)


Rev. Grace Bok


The Covenant of the Rainbow



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